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NIA Interventions Testing Program Underway

20 years, 4 months ago

9495  0
Posted on Feb 02, 2004, 5 a.m. By Bill Freeman

The Interventions Testing Program (ITP) at the NIA is getting underway, having chosen three compounds to test in mouse longevity studies. The details are noted at SAGE KE. This is an unambitious first set of compounds - an antioxidant, aspirin and ibuprofen. It's worth noting, however, that few groups have been funding rigorous longevity tests on these sorts of supplements and medicines.

The Interventions Testing Program (ITP) at the NIA is getting underway, having chosen three compounds to test in mouse longevity studies. The details are noted at SAGE KE. This is an unambitious first set of compounds - an antioxidant, aspirin and ibuprofen. It's worth noting, however, that few groups have been funding rigorous longevity tests on these sorts of supplements and medicines. We expect to see small gains in mouse longevity from this round of the study, but nothing worth writing home about. We also hope to see some of the participants enter into the Methuselah Mouse Prize.


Author: The Longevity Meme

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