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Hormone Replacement Therapy

HRT study halted over cancer concerns

20 years, 3 months ago

9511  0
Posted on Feb 06, 2004, 6 a.m. By Bill Freeman

LONDON, England (AP) -- Scandinavian scientists announced Tuesday that they have called off a study of the effects of hormone replacement therapy for women with a history of breast cancer because early results showed an "unacceptably high" risk of recurrence. Their findings, published Tuesday by The Lancet medical journal, add to the already solid evidence that using hormone replacement to control menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and prevent brittle bone disease, carries significant health risks.

LONDON, England (AP) -- Scandinavian scientists announced Tuesday that they have called off a study of the effects of hormone replacement therapy for women with a history of breast cancer because early results showed an "unacceptably high" risk of recurrence. Their findings, published Tuesday by The Lancet medical journal, add to the already solid evidence that using hormone replacement to control menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and prevent brittle bone disease, carries significant health risks. Eighteen months ago, U.S.


[Editor: The preceding article was not written by A4M/WHN]

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