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Kidney Stones On The Rise In USA

6 years, 5 months ago

13840  0
Posted on Feb 25, 2018, 7 p.m.

The Mayo Clinic Proceedings has published an article saying that there is increased incidences among both men and women in the USA of kidney stones.


Researchers investigated the prevalence of kidney stones in over 10,000 people. It was noted that there was an increase of over 4 times of kidney stones among women and that it had doubled among men over 3 decades. Prevalence of kidney stone was broken up based on age groups showing the highest rise to be among women aged 18- 39, in this grouping the numbers climbed from 62 to 352 case per 100,000 persons during the study period.


Researchers say that there is a combination of things that have led to the increase in kidney stones and that the steep increase seen in women seemed steeper because the prevalence of stones was lower among women at the beginning of the study.


It is estimated by studies that around 10% of individuals are at risk for kidney stones at some point in their lives. Kidney stones are basically solid crystallized materials made up of calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate that can obstruct flow in the bladder, kidney, or ureters. Causes of kidney stones can be environmental or genetic. Genes may cause increased calcium in urine that can cause increased propensity to develop stones. Low liquid intake and diet can also led to stones. Kidney stones may get stuck in passages that can cause painful renal colic that can appear as waves spreading from the lower back to inner thighs, it may be excruciating and require pain relievers. Calcium oxalate stones account for 75% of all kidney stones that were recorded in this study. Radiological imaging including ultrasound and computed tomography scans have improved and can accurately detect kidney stones, which may have also contributed to the rise in cases.


There was no notable increase in the presence of uric acid and struvite stones, Struvite stones are associated with urinary tract infections, uric acid stones are generally seen in patients with gout and consume excess amounts of animal protein.


Diet may play an important role in the development of kidney stones. Oxalates that are normally found in beets, tea, nuts, and chocolates consumed in large amounts over years can lead to an increases risk of kidney stones. High salt/sodium intake is also linked with increased risk of stones. Most experts can agree that inadequate amounts of liquids consumed to be linked with the development of kidney stones. Drinking 2-3 quarts of water per day will help prevent the development of kidney stones and will help to flush out smaller stone that are less than 3 mm in diameter. Larger stone typically require surgery or sound waves to break them up.


Materials provided by:

The Mayo Clinic

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