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Brain and Mental Performance

New Research Suggests Gingko Helps Memory of Dementia Patients

21 years, 9 months ago

9046  0
Posted on Oct 27, 2002, 5 a.m. By Bill Freeman

A review of clinical trials of the supplement Ginkgo biloba has produced "promising evidence" that supplements containing the herbal extract can help to improve the memory and mental function of people with dementia. Studies of the effectiveness of Ginkgo on the memory of dementia patients have produced widely conflicting results, however according to Britain's Alzheimer's Society the review of 33 clinical trials provided "promising evidence of improvement in cognition and function associated with Ginkgo.

A review of clinical trials of the supplement Ginkgo biloba has produced "promising evidence" that supplements containing the herbal extract can help to improve the memory and mental function of people with dementia. Studies of the effectiveness of Ginkgo on the memory of dementia patients have produced widely conflicting results, however according to Britain's Alzheimer's Society the review of 33 clinical trials provided "promising evidence of improvement in cognition and function associated with Ginkgo." As a result of the review, the charity is funding a large placebo-controlled study of the herbal extract in dementia patients in order to determine its effectiveness and the mechanism behind its beneficial effects. Ginkgo's benefits are largely attributed to its ability to dilate blood vessels and thin the blood, although there is also evidence that it protects cells from damaging free-radicals.

SOURCE/REFERENCE: Reported by on the 14th October 2002

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