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Gene Therapy Stem Cell Research

Novel Gene Therapy Delivery Uses Stem Cells That Target

20 years, 7 months ago

8641  0
Posted on Dec 15, 2003, 11 p.m. By Bill Freeman

From Science Daily: Genetically engineered stem cells can find tumors and then produce biological killing agents right at the cancer site, say researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, who have performed a number of successful "proof of concept" experiments in mice. This novel treatmentmay offer the first gene therapy "delivery system" capable of homing in on and then attacking cancer that has metastasized -- wherever it is in a patient's.

From Science Daily: Genetically engineered stem cells can find tumors and then produce biological killing agents right at the cancer site, say researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, who have performed a number of successful "proof of concept" experiments in mice. This novel treatmentmay offer the first gene therapy "delivery system" capable of homing in on and then attacking cancer that has metastasized -- wherever it is in a patient's...


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