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Cannabidiol (CBD) GI-Digestive

Taking CBD Gummies On An Empty Stomach: Will It Cause A Problem?

3 years ago

17048  0
Posted on Jul 16, 2021, 3 p.m.

As per the statistics revealed by Gallup, "1 in 7 Americans reported the use of CBD products. The number of consumers of CBD products has escalated since federal law legalized cannabidiol items. Such products became famous when the awareness about their positive effect unfurled among the population. This research also found out the reason behind the use of CBD products by Americans. "Pain" was the most common reason noted in the study, followed by" Anxiety" on the second number of the list. Finally, the third most common reason to use CBD products was to deal with "Sleep/ insomnia."

But the general question that concerns these consumers before they use CBD products is "Whether CBD products can be taken empty stomach or not?". A similar question that the consumers find the answer for is "Whether taking CBD Gummies on an empty stomach can cause a problem?"

There could be several occasions/reasons when one might have to consume CBD on an empty stomach but is it safe and effective? Let's see the experts' opinions.  

How does CBD works in the human body: what happens inside humans after taking CBD:

To understand Cannabidiol (CBD) effects on an empty stomach vs. after a diet, we must first understand a few basics of "How CBD works on humans?". We will also understand the bioavailability of CBD, which means how fast CBD starts acting on the human mind and how much CBD reaches the bloodstream out of the total intake.

CBD generally has very little bioavailability; a common form of CBD typically provides bioavailability between 6 to 12 percent of the total intake. It means that a massive chunk of CBD intake is "wasted" as the body breaks it down even before it starts giving us results. This process is also called' 'First-Pass-Effect". With this information, we can conclude that CBD needs to pass through our digestive system before it is processed (wasted) by the human liver. Wastage of more than 80% CBD intake happens when the body breaks it down to 100+ different metabolites and excretes much of the consumed CBD even before it reaches the bloodstream.

This resulting bioavailability of the consumed Cannabidiol is the reason behind why we might need to take more doses to yield the benefit from CBD products and reach the desired effect.

What happens inside the human body when CBD is taken with or without an empty stomach?

Do you know that 90% of CBD is wasted even when we take the purest form? That's because only will 10% enter our bloodstream. Ingesting high-fat content oils can help curb this gap (also why CBD products are combined with high-fat content oils).

A team of pharmacologists from the University of Minnesota examined how taking the CBD in full stomach affects absorption. First, researchers made the subjects (humans) go on fast and consume CBD the following day. If you take CBD on a full stomach, CBD will be in your guts for longer, giving it more time to be consumed! Also, if the diet you had is rich in oil, the body will try to collect the oils, and CBD will stand higher chances of getting picked up along with the oils. That's what was found by the researchers of the University of Minnesota.

However, this doesn't mean that you must eat a pizza with double cheese burst or additional toppings of cheese from your kitchen. It is just that the effect of CBD is likely to be about five times if you take an oil-rich meal about a half-hour before consuming CBD. Hopefully, this answers your primary question of whether to take CBD empty stomach or not.

With this happy piece of news, you can now eat delicious CBD gummies to please your taste buds. So to prepare your mind and body for an excellent peaceful sleep at night, you can order CBD gummies for rest that come in assorted flavors and types. To say bye to trouble sleeping check out full spectrum CBD Gummies and go to a shop or order your favorites from a reputable distributor If you want to have CBD cost-effectively or someday if you run out of doses, eating well before CBD will likely reduce the required dosage as in the research quoted above, the very first group of participants showed up to 14 times higher concentration of plasma. They took a refined diet before consumption of CBD.

How much CBD is enough?

Whether consuming CBD on an empty stomach or after eating, one question commonly asked and often not clear is CBD dosage.

The easiest and best option is to consume CBD in lower and multiple doses rather than one heavy dosage. Effects will vary from person to person, which depends on the individual, how they consume it, potency, and how much is being ingested. After just a few days, you will know which dosage pattern gives you the best overall experience. Once you have finished a small dosage, you will be able to self-analyze whether to go for more gummies infused with CBD or not. 

Is it safe to combine CBD products?

Yes, for most people it typically is totally! That is, as long as you're paying attention to your body and you don’t go overboard, you're good to mix up the products. But be a little extra cautious about the possible side effects and the dosage. Some people find combining different CBD products more beneficial and results-providing than sticking to one product, while others have the opposite results. 


While there might be no harm in taking CBD empty stomachs, it results in low bioavailability. Therefore, if you're taking the CBD gummies on an empty stomach, we advise you to avoid it, as you might need a higher dosage to get desired results that are more costly. Even if you don’t follow an oil-rich diet before taking CBD, taking a simple meal will also increase the bioavailability to a noticeable difference.

his article was written by Alexandra Doherty, blogger and health advocate. 

As with anything you read on the internet, this article should not be construed as medical advice; please talk to your doctor or primary care provider before making any changes to your wellness routine.

Content may be edited for style and length.

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