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Stem Cell Cancer Functional Foods GI-Digestive

Walnut Compounds Curtail Cancer

9 years, 2 months ago

22748  0
Posted on May 15, 2015, 6 a.m.

Phenols may slow the survival of stem cells involved in colon cancer.

A good source of numerous vitamins and minerals and the only nut that contains a significant source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), walnuts have a high antioxidant content (3.7 mmol/ounce).  Researchers from Ewha Womans University (South Korea) report that walnut extract significantly slowed the survival of cancer stem cells, as well as reduced the stemness of colon cancer stem cells. While further studies are needed, the researchers encourage the exploration of the role of walnut consumption in colon cancer therapies targeting cancer stem cells.

Y-S. Kim, S-W. Choi, S.J. Min, J. Lee, Y. Kim. ‘Walnut Phenol Extracts Inhibit Stemness of Colon Cancer Stem Cells In Vitro” [Abstract 752-10].  Presentation at Experimental Biology 2015 (American Society for Nutrition), 30 March 2015.

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