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Your Goal For The Next Month? Build. Bigger. Arms.

6 years, 4 months ago

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Posted on Mar 16, 2018, 8 a.m.


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Your Goal For The Next Month? Build. Bigger. Arms.

As the holder of two World Strength Endurance records, Nick Delgado at the age of 63, with a set up guns, I can tell you that this routine makes sense. And we would add do curl and presses with dumbbells starting with the weights at your waist, as you curl up, supinate the weight in, then as you press overhead, point the weights back out as if you are doing a straight bar press over head. It is best to do a continuous set of reps starting with a weight you can curl and press at least 50 reps Three sets of this will give added size. However I do believe you must add negative forced reps at least once a week to get added mass according to Art De Vany who was interviewed by Tim Farriss. See this for more tips see
Nick Delgado,
Medical Editor

You may know Julian "The Quad Guy" Smith for his legs, but he's spent plenty of time making sure he's got the guns to match his wheels. The latest result of his fanatical devotion to the art and science of bodybuilding is this program: 30 Days to Your Best Arms.

It's a three-days-a-week program you'll run for a month, but you can run it over and over again if you want. To be clear, this is a pure arms specialization program. We won't tell you what to do with the rest of your body while you're following it—except to say, "Train the rest of your body."

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Along with the total-arm workout provided below, you'll do a biceps accessory routine and a triceps accessory routine on other days of your choice. The three-day breakdown can work with pretty much any split: full body, upper/lower, push/pull/legs, or body part. We'll explain how.

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For now, go test-drive the first workout: a full-on heavy arms day that you can do right now in any gym. The full program is waiting as well, on All Access.

Warm-up: Do one, but don't spend too much time on it. A solid approach is to do 2-3 sets of light, high-rep (15-20) hammer or reverse curls for biceps, and cable push-downs for triceps. Then, perform 2-3 "ramp-up" sets of 5-8 reps (not to failure) on the first movement before you pick up your working weight.

Arms Workout 1: Reverse Pyramid Supersets
Barbell Curl
or EZ-Bar Curl
6 sets, 4 reps
6 sets, 4 reps
6 sets, 6 reps
6 sets, 8 reps
Triceps Accessory Workout 1
4 sets, 12 reps (tempo 4010)
4 sets, 15 reps (1212 tempo)
Biceps Accessory Workout 1
4 sets, 12 reps (4010 tempo)
4 sets, 15 reps (1212 tempo)
4 sets, 20 reps per arm
Access our entire library of more than 50 fitness programs. We’ll help you gain muscle, lose fat, and change your life for only $8.99 a month!

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