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Search Results For: telomerase ( 66 results )

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  • Immune System
  • Telomerase To Fix Immune System Aging
  • EurekAlert notes that UCLA researchers have demonstrated that telomerase - a telomere-extending protein - can be used to prevent the premature aging of the immune system. "Immune cells that fight HIV ...
  • 10524  0
  • Genetic Research
  • Novel roles for telomerase in aging
  • ...telomerase on aging seem to come of the price of tumour promotion. These antagonistic roles of telomerase in aging and cancer may have important implications for putative telomerase based therapies. ...
  • 9005  0
  • Immune System
  • Telomerase To Fix Immune System Aging
  • EurekAlert notes that UCLA researchers have demonstrated that telomerase - a telomere-extending protein - can be used to prevent the premature aging of the immune system. "Immune cells that fight HIV ...
  • 10524  0
  • Genetic Research
  • Novel roles for telomerase in aging
  • ...telomerase on aging seem to come of the price of tumour promotion. These antagonistic roles of telomerase in aging and cancer may have important implications for putative telomerase based therapies. ...
  • 9005  0
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