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Vitamin C Supplements Reduce Second-Hand Smoke Lung Damage
Study Sheds Light on How Education May Prevent Alzheimers
Combined HRT Doubles Breast Cancer Risk
Eye Gel Treatment Prevent Age-Related Vision Deterioration
Antibiotics Reduce Stroke Risk by One-Fifth
Exposure to Sun May Lower Multiple Sclerosis Risk
EPA Set to Lift Ban on Testing Toxic Chemicals on Humans
Computerized Atlas of the Brain Completed
Study to Determine Best Method of Kidney Storage Gets Underway
Large Bowel Grown In Rats
Stress Dramatically Increases Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
Green Tea Blocks Important Cancer Molecule
UK Researchers Issue Cloning Warning
Nursing Home Care Costs Average of $57,000 Per Person Each Year
Worlds Oldest Person Discovered in War-Torn Chechnya
Italian Researchers Announce Birth of Worlds First Cloned Horse
Gene Therapy Extends Lifespan of Mouse-Model of Lou Gehrig's Disease
One Gene Decides Whether You Are Fat or Thin
Antidepressants May Improve Stroke Survival
Selenium May Increase Skin Cancer Risk
Black Tea May Lower Bad Cholesterol Levels
Aspirin Reduces Heart Attack Risk by One Third
Experimental Drug Stops Progression of Mad Cow Disease
Intelligent Software Spots Heart Disease and Cancer Invisible...
Cognitive Stimulation Group Therapy Helps Dementia Patients
Cloned Cells Cure Parkinson
SARS May Have Come From Wild Animal Trade
Genetically Modified Cows and Goats May Provide Biowarfare.
Japan to Have More than 20,000 Centenarians by October 2003
Stem Cells Offer Parkinsons Sufferers Realistic Hope
Exercise Before Surgery Speeds Post-Op Recovery
When it Comes to Heart Attack Coughing Could Save Your Life
More than 8.5-Million US Citizens Have Smoking-Related Diseases
Cranberry Compounds May Protect Nerve Cells Against Stroke ...
Intestinal Hormone Could Help Obese Fight the Flab
Tea Compounds May Help to Prevent Skin Cancer
Pollution Blamed for French Heatwave Deaths
Enzyme Discovery Could Lead to Life-Extending Drugs
Experimental Anthrax Vaccine Protects Against Bacterium and
New Scanner Reveals Where Fat Is
Stem Cell Discoveries Could Lead to Treatments for Deafness
Researchers Create Sperm Cells in Lab
Modified Stem Cells Reverse Parkinsons in Rats
Unfertilized Eggs Could Yield Stem Cells
Stem Cell May Remove the Need for Heart Transplants
Stem Cell Transplant Restores Vision
ew Techniques Bring $1,000 Personal Genome Closer to Reality
Scientists Call For More Research into Nanotechnology
Tacoma Most Stressful City in the US
Vitamin D Supplements May Cut Multiple Sclerosis Risk