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Is your patient's insomnia, tinnitus or vertigo connected to wireless radiation exposure? What you need to know about ELECTRO-SENSITIVITY

By kcrofton at May 29, 2014, 6:17 p.m., 31316 hits

Electro-sensitivity (ES) - a new medical condition – is on the rise and often misdiagnosed.

People of all ages may experience symptoms when exposed to electro-magnetic radiation, especially the microwave radiation emitted by mobile phones, WiFi signals, wirelessly-connected iPads/tablets. laptops, iPods, as well as all Bluetooth devices (in your car?), Smart meters and cell tower antennas.

The primary symptoms: tingling in the hands, tinnitus, insomnia, vertigo and cardiac effects: arrhythmia and tachycardia. There is also evidence of cognitive impairment.

As researcher Dr. Magda Havas points out, there are heavily-radiated parts of the world where an increasing number of people are so severely affected they have to live as far as possible from exposure. And she reports that as many as 35% have symptoms that significantly impair their quality of life. This impact on human health will rise until we wake up.

In Sweden, ES is officially recognized as a disability, so employers and building owners are expected to try to rectify the problems and sufferers may be entitled to disability benefits. While ES is not an accepted medical diagnosis yet, the Canadian Human Rights Commission recognizes it as an environmental sensitivity and classes it as a disability.

Dr. Hans Scheiner, a physician who treated thousands of people with ES, warned the number of people affected was on the rise:

“Some people are electro-allergic – not only sensitive but hyper-sensitive. When they are exposed they have headaches, sleeping problems, exhaustion during the day, dizziness, vomiting, tachycardia, concentration and memory problems. They may faint or their vision might be impaired. It’s likely these are signs of opening of the blood-brain barrier. Doctors often tell them their symptoms are psychological.”

Dr. Scheiner said an electro-hypersensitive person can usually recover from the symptoms by avoiding the exposure. The next step along the continuum is what he calls an electro-allergic reaction, in which the body’s response is a real illness. Some will feel no ill effects – then suddenly will be hit with something as serious as cancer, high blood pressure or a stroke.

Thomas M. Rau, MD, the Medical Director of the Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmühle, Switzerland, is convinced electro-magnetic loads lead to cancer, concentration problems, ADD, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, arrhythmia, Parkinson’s Disease and even back pain:

At the Paracelsus Clinic cancer patients are now routinely educated in electromagnetic field remediation strategies, and inspectors from the Geopathological Institute of Switzerland are sent to patients’ homes to assess electro-magnetic field exposures.

Medical Help on the Horizon for People with ES

Dr. Heather McKinney attended a American Environmental Health Foundation (AEHF) and the University of North Texas Health Science Center conference in Dallas. The topic was The Chemical Mechanisms Leading to Electro-sensitivity. If you are dealing with chemical and/or electro-sensitivity, you will be heartened to hear about the progress in diagnosing and treating this, and related, conditions.

Dr. McKinney reports:

“Physicians, researchers, scientists, nutritionists, counselors, and patients met to better understand and address the physiological signs and symptoms of electro-sensitivity. Their summary: the body is an electrical system that acts as an antenna – absorbing and receiving various information and sensations, including electro-magnetic fields from wired and wireless technologies. Health professionals from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, the UK, and the USA discussed:

Testing strategies: heart rate variability, blood sugar, live blood analysis, heavy metal test/hair analysis, mold/allergy testing, and lymphocyte sensitivity.

Triggers: environmental and chemical stress, mold, thermal changes (exposure to heat/cold), sun spots, certain foods.

Signs and Symptoms: poor circulation, skin changes, tremors, migraines, seizures, rapid heartbeat, diabetes, MS, chronic fatigue, asthma, allergies, food sensitivities/intolerance, memory fog, Alzheimer’s and autism.

Possible ES Treatments: decreasing exposure, drinking lots of pure water, adrenal and immune support, vitamins/supplements including magnesium and Vitamins B, C and D, hormone support, removing mercury fillings (with strict controls), acupuncture, chiropractic and other energy therapies, meditation, yoga, deep breathing techniques, homeopathy, Epsom salt baths, rotation diet, medically-supervised chelation and decreased exposure to metals.”

Refuges For People Suffering Due to ES – A Wake-up Call

Like polar bears on melting ice floes, an increasing number of people are finding the sphere they can safely inhabit is rapidly diminishing. While low-EMR places of refuge is good news for some, it may be a troubling sign of disastrous things to come. What will it be like when more and more people have to leave their homes, and their jobs, and retreat to remote hideaways? One such sanctuary is Green Bank, a small town in West Virginia in a 13,000 sq mile US National Radio Quiet Zone where there is no cell phone service and no public WiFi! These signals are strictly controlled in and around Green Bank as they would interfere with the nearby radio telescope. There are also refuges in Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, Canada and Japan.

This back-to-the-land movement may be a life-saver for people with ES symptoms; it is also attracting people seeking a healthier lifestyle of reduced chemical and electro-magnetic contaminants in their bodies, food, air, and water. In our increasingly WiFi hot-spot world, these cool spots, quiet zones, may become examples of a saner way to live. No Google Glasses here.

More details at

— Last Edited by Kerry Crofton, PhD at 2014-05-29 18:34:16 —

— Last Edited by Kerry Crofton, PhD at 2014-05-29 18:36:28 —

— Last Edited by Kerry Crofton, PhD at 2014-05-29 18:38:34 —

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