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With the special interest-dictated Pseudo-science of Geoengineering established as earth-destructing, disease-inducing, and tree-killing, we demand an explanation for who authorized these atrocities?

By hkugler at Dec. 28, 2015, 6:18 p.m., 18451 hits

“THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS THAT GOOD MEN DO NOTHING” John F. Kennedy, Edmund Burke, R. Murray Hyslop, Charles F. Aked, John Stuart Mill.

The - below - overview of the GEOENGINEERING ATROCITIES is up-dated with the - - thanks to IAAM scientist's, and GEOENGINEERINGWATCH - - inclusion of, now available, EXTENSIVE PROOF:
Without ANY scientific basis, the earth-destructing, disease-inducing, Carbon-profits-sustaining, atrocities - - committed by the special-interest-dictated geoengineering BS-sers, ElToroPooPoo-ers - - continue DESPITE (now available) PROOF OF HOW DICTATORIAL THIS FRANKENSTEIN GEOENGINEERING REALLY IS, while real climate change scientists are left sitting on the sidelines.
Face reality, and wonder how such special-interest “APPRENTICE PSEUDO-SCIENCE” COULD EVER HAPPEN - - shoved down our throats - - IN “WE THE PEOPLE” AMERICA :

AFTER VIEWING THIS MULTIPLE PROOF, ask yourself “does any of this make ANY sense to ANYBODY?”
WE BEG FOR YOUR INVOLVEMENT! Ask your government representatives about who authorized these earth-destructing, disease-inducing, atrocities!

Look up into the chemtrails/SRM-polluted sky: See the white trails (that have nothing to do with airplane contrails), consisting of toxins, sprayed (carbon-industry dictated?) to sustain special interest profits. Dreamed up by special interest VooDoo “energy experts” while true ICCP Global Warming (GW) scientists – not consulted - are left sitting on the sidelines, with clear messages to you: “you have no right to know,” and “WE THE PEOPLE has been replaced with WE THE SPECIAL – greedy, give a damn, come earth destruction or high water (literally) - INTERESTS.”
For an overview of GW:

GEOENGINEERING: Chemtrails/SRM, Solar Radiation Management – high-altitude (30,000 to 40,000 ft) spraying of toxic chemicals (Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Thallium, aerosols), “to lay a shield against sun energy from reaching earth” was first confirmed by Edward Snowdon, then by an anonymous “deep Throat” geoengineering insider, and documented by pilots, university aviation faculty, AND, WITH EVERY POSSIBLE DETAIL, by Dane Wigington at .
For details regarding connections to health - anti-aging - see

With geoengineering/SRM as (ineffective) countermeasures to global warming (GW), a picture evolves that defines it as special-interest (carbon) dictated, GW-worsening, pseudo-scientific VooDoo, of which Frankenstein would be proud of; and that – in reality - has brought us a giant step closer to a Permian-like earth extinction. Why this is happening is a mystery to even our sharpest science minds - - doing nothing about the REAL cause of GW, CO2 excesses - - unless one gets down to the lowest level of greed and stupidity; even confirmed with the Pope’s – Vatikan’s – involvement.
Further support for the greed/profit interpretation came with a Drexel University publication by Robert J Brulle, showing that the carbon industry, intentionally, planted bogus anti-GW arguments to confuse the issues, thus delaying urgently needed effective countermeasures.

The cause of GW is, unquestionably, documented by NASA as “extreme CO2 excesses”; see graphs at . More important: if nothing is done about it, even the slightest global temperature increase will – due to a (physics) Tyndall effect – increase moisture uptake, thus ever increasing CO2’s potency to cause further GW.
A cost evaluation - NATURE (499, 401–403, 25 July 2013) Gail Whiteman, Chris Hope, and Peter Wadhams, Cambridge University – warned of future extreme costs (-$ 60 trillion-) for neglecting to take countermeasures to GW.

Ask yourself: “Does any of this make ANY sense to ANYBODY?”

Despite the fact that EXXON knew years ago that global warming was real - - they planned oil explorations based on it; exposure in LA Times, October 2015 - - they kept planting bogus arguments to delay actions. At this point, estimates regarding the extra costs, due to delaying effective countermeasures, already goes into the billions. Reminding us of the, similarly dishonest, approach by the tobacco industry in the 60th – bribing health professionals to publish cancer risk-denying papers – followed by taking the tobacco industry to court, and having them pay fines of $ 240 billion, a movement has started to take the carbon industry to court, and have them pay for catching up with GW countermeasures. WE APPLAUD SUCH EFFORTS!

With all the proof, available from numerous sources, the powers to be do everything possible to delay full exposure of this pseudo-scientific VooDoo of geoengineering – chemtrails, SRM – that does nothing about the cause of GW, excess CO2; the most recent action was an illegal gag order on the National Weather Service and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) employees.

With the metals established as ingredients in the SRM sprays, do a – NCBI database – search via Pub-Med for “toxic effects of Al and/or Ba and/or thallium on human and/or plant health”, and get 73,182 references.
Recalling that trees are our first line of defense against CO2, and forestry experts concluding that half of all trees will be dead within 15 years, do a – NCBI database – search via Pub-Med for “toxic effects of Al and/or Ba and/or thallium on tree health”, and get 30,317 references.
Recalling that aluminum has been postulated, with excellent arguments and supporting data, as causes for Alzheimers and autism, do a – NCBI database – search for “Aluminum a neurotoxin,” and get 229 references.

Again: “Does any of this make ANY sense to ANYBODY?”


We need to be part of exposing these special-interest-dictated pseudo-scientific VooDoo GW countermeasures, and the El Toro PooPoo the GMO-Trolls are spreading.

To top it all off, here is more documentation for these atrocities: Trees dying off:,8599,1873352,00.html

One more time: “Does any of this make ANY sense to ANYBODY?”

Unusual, symptoms in airline passengers – inflammation, allergies, flu-like - connected to the toxins in Chemtrail/SRM spray

Monsanto gives indirect proof: With no official confirmation of aluminum the # 1 key toxin in the high-altitude sprays, Monsanto gave it a high priority to develop aluminum-resistant crops. Guess what? It just made it into the news: Monsanto developed – patented – aluminum-resistant crap, excuse us, crops.

Aluminum-induced entropy in biological systems: implications for neurological disease. Shaw CA, Seneff S, Kette SD, Tomljenovic L, Oller JW Jr, Davidson RM. J Toxicol. 2014;2014:491316. doi: 10.1155/2014/491316. Epub 2014 Oct 2. Review. PMID: 25349607

By 2025, half the kids born in the U.S. will be diagnosed with autism, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at the MIT. autism isn’t just genetic – it is almost surely due to environmental factors. Just a couple of those factors are Monsanto’s RoundUp (glyphosate) and heavy exposure to a cocktail of heavy metals, including aluminum.

Related papers from these MIT researchers, connecting the toxins in sprays and the GMO herbicide glyphosate via Endocrine Disruption:
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases III: Manganese, neurological diseases, and associated pathologies. Samsel A, Seneff S. Surg Neurol Int. 2015 Mar 24;6:45. doi: 10.4103/2152-7806.153876. eCollection 2015.

How ED (endocrine-disruption) connects to anti-aging, optimum health, and the need for stem cells, see my 2012 A4M presentation:

Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance. Samsel A, Seneff S. Interdiscip Toxicol. 2013 Dec;6(4):159-84. doi: 10.2478/intox-2013-0026. Review. PMID: 24678255

Now YOU answer this question: With the above facts and Pub-Med search results in mind, and recalling that these VooDoo ineffective “countermeasures” were dreamed up by special interest – Carbon “energy experts” – with real ICCP GW experts sitting on the sidelines, not involved (unless they yodel along with the carbon ElToroPooPooers), using these toxins in mega-ton amounts in INEFFECTIVE high altitude chemtrail/SRM spraying - - with no – zero – zilch effects on the cause - CO2 excess – of GW, HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE THESE FAILURES? - - - and how do you feel as a victim – exposed to these toxins – with indirect messages - “you have no right to know” – coming from somewhere?

Taking into account the above information, we would/could also define it as “programs dictated by special interest pseudo-scientific lunatics - - replacing WE THE PEOPLE with WE THE SPECIAL INTERESTS – run by TFIs (Total Fumbling ignoramuses), and TGBs (Total Greedy Bastards); noting that informed people use stronger words for “F’ and “I”.

HOWEVER, in the hopes that there may be some logical explanation for what we define as atrocities, we delay this definition to give the responsible authorities a chance to disclose reasons and justifications.


IAAM, Dr. Hans J. Kugler, PhD, President

For permission to reprint, motivational talks, talk presentations, or consultations, contact

Dr. Hans J. Kugler, PhD, is a former oil industry (Standard oil of Indiana) research chemist, pilot, W-German air force (still flying, gliders to multi-engine), professor of chemistry, Roosevelt U, Chicago, author of books on applied anti-aging, President of IAAM (International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine; CA 501-c-3 charitable).

We would like to express our thanks to the many true GW experts we consulted, from NASA, to the German and Russian EPA equivalents, to data published by Cambridge University, England, AMEG, Arctic Methane Emergency Group, and more.

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-11-10 17:11:01 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-11-10 17:16:45 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-11-10 17:18:45 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-11-11 23:25:59 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-12-28 18:23:11 —

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— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-12-28 18:55:40 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-12-28 19:50:46 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-12-30 16:05:47 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2016-01-01 16:57:59 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2016-01-06 23:52:23 —

Posts [ 1 ] | Last post Dec. 28, 2015, 6:18 p.m.
#1 - Dec. 28, 2015, 6:18 p.m.
Hans J. Kugler, PhD

Bouncing up.

Already incorporated into the main text:

Without ANY scientific basis, the earth-destructing, disease-inducing, Carbon-profits-sustaining, atrocities - - committed by the special-interest-dictated geoengineering BS-sers, ElToroPooPoo-ers - - continue DESPITE PROOF OF HOW DICTATORIAL THIS FRANKENSTEIN GEOENGINEERING REALLY IS (while real climate change scientists are left sitting on the sidelines).
Face reality, and wonder how such special-interest APPRENTICE PSEUDO-SCIENCE COULD EVER HAPPEN - - shoved down our throats - - IN “WE THE PEOPLE” AMERICA :

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-12-28 19:40:20 —