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A NEW Velvet Deer Antler Extract - containing IGF-1 - instead of HGH? Pre-Publication notice.

By hkugler at Dec. 11, 2015, 5:59 p.m., 19988 hits

During the 2011 A4M Congress in Las Vegas I became aware of a new – cold extract – Deer Antler Velvet (DAV) preparation that, due to its IGF-1 and growth factors content, suggested that it could possibly take the place of the – ever, obscenely growing in costs - HGH.
Previous Velvet Deer Antler extracts were made by boiling finely ground DAV in water, and then making an extract from it. The new formula was made by cold-extracting the DAV with a dilute solution of alcohol - an equivalent of red wine. To support it, an extract from Tribulus had been added to the formula.
Over a period of 6 months I, always following a strong resistance exercise program, used the new VDA formula instead of HGH. I usually work out – circuit training, to make exercise less boring and more effective – twice per week, and for about 1 ½ hours each. A third exercise session includes fast walking with intermittent jogging, or horseback riding, for at least 30 to 45 minutes.
To everybody’s amazement - - and that included Olympic trainers and athletes - - I did not lose any muscle mass; actually gained 3 lbs.
Over the next 3 years, involving athletes, strength trainers, and every-day fitness-conscious individuals, we kept track of body composition, with a focus on LBM. When taking HGH, athletes believed that cycling - - 3 days on, and 3 days off - - gave better results; about 80% of the individuals taking the VDA formula continued this practice.
Regarding the DAV formula: It is only during the “velvet” stage that all of the active growth factors are present. The company that makes the Velvet Deer Antler formula - - BIOPROTEINTECH - - is the only company in the world with a fully vertically integrated Deer Antler Velvet source. They control everything from how the animals are fed and treated, to how the antler is harvested (humanely with no harm to the animals), the processing of the DAV, mixing of the extract, bottling & packaging. We believe that this is crucial for DAV that produces results.
The above described, in a longer and more detailed version, is being prepared for publication; more details later on.
BioProteinTech - - - - is exhibiting at the A4M Congress in Las Vegas, booth 1040. The DAV product is SUB L TROPIN. If you attend the A4M congress - - DEFINITELY AN ANTI-AGING EYE OPENER; it is happening at the VENETIAN, Dec. 10 - 13 - - check with Mr. Paul Morave, booth 1040, and tell him “Hi” from me. And, for the record, I have no financial interest in BioProteinTech.

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-12-11 18:05:43 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-12-11 18:08:08 —

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2015-12-11 18:50:27 —

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