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Eating Before Bedtime IS Ok if...You are eating the Right Things

By jbehar at April 26, 2016, 4:40 p.m., 26861 hits

We have all heard that eating before bed time is bad when looking to drop fat and lose some unwanted pounds.

While this can be true for most people, it doesn't have to be. What many people do not realize is that not all foods that you eat before bed time is necessarily going to cause you to gain weight and put on fat.

In fact, there are certain foods you can eat late night that can actually help your fat loss. It just knowing which foods you should be eating before bed time.

The key is to avoid eating carbohydrates and eating high quality protein that are digested slowly. These include high protein sources such as chicken breast, turkey breast, or even grabbing casein protein drink which is a slow digesting protein.

So why ditch carbohydrates before bed?

Carbohydrate cause a rise in insulin levels, which slow down you fat burning hormones. And that spell trouble late night when your metabolism is slowing down. It also puts the brakes on your growth hormone levels which you want hot here if you want to burn fat and build muscle.

Why slow digesting proteins?

Two reasons. 1. Eating slow digesting proteins don‘t have such a big effect on your insulin levels. 2. Slow digesting proteins provide your body amino acids throughout the night and helps you recover from a intense workout exercise which build muscle and in turn helps lose fat.

Here are some of the food choices you be can eating before bed time.

– Lean white meat sources of protein like chicken, or turkey breast. Red meat illicits a high insulin response which effects GH levels.

– Wild salmon is a perfect pre-bed food source because it’s high in protein content and contains healthy omega fats. Add salmon with salad or some green fibrous vegetables for the perfect low carbohydrate option before turning in.

– Greek Fat Free Yogurt or Cottage Cheese. Cottage cheese are both slow digesting protein sources. They also release glucagon. A great eating before bedtime choice. Just avoid the ones with added sugars or flavors.

– Green Vegetables. While these aren’t considered a protein, they contain almost no calories and are high in fiber. The high fires make you feel full which and help eliminate your cravings. Can’t go wrong with veggies! My preferred choice include broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans.

- A high-quality low-carb casein protein. I use Pro Fight Sports Brand Casein because they don't use artificial sweeteners and I trust the label do it's high-quality. Casein is the protein choice at night because it digests slowly and have a very low insulin release.

Bottom Line on Eat Before Bed

Eating before bedtime isn’t all that bad for you if you choose your foods wisely.

My Favorite Snack Before Bed Time

High Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding


1) 1 1/2 scoop of Pro Fight Casein Chocolate protein powder (if you like vanilla you could use vanilla protein instead or if all you have is Manella just add some unsweetened cocoa powder to give me that chocolate boost!)

2) 1 cup Natural Greek Yogurt (unsweetened)

3) 1 tablespoon Natural Peanut Butter


1) Mix together and enjoy

Approximate Nutritional Breakdown:

Calories: 232

Protein: 38.5 g

Carbs: 5.1 g

Fat: 9.0 g

About the Author Jeff Behar

Jeff Behar, MS, MBA, is a well-known author, champion natural bodybuilder, and a recognized health, fitness and nutrition expert with over 30 years of experience in the health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, and anti-aging fields. As a recognized health, fitness and nutrition expert, Jeff Behar has been featured on several radio shows, TV, and in several popular bodybuilding publications such as Flex, Ironman and in several highly regarded peer reviewed scientific journals. Jeff Behar is also the CEO and founder and, a staff writer at and the current Medical Commentator on Exercise for the The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), the world's largest medical anti-aging organization comprised of 26,000-plus member physicians, health practitioners, scientists, governmental officials, and members of the general public, representing over 120 nations.

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