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Bipartisan Policy Center’s Task Force on Prevention in a NATIONAL HEATH CARE PLAN - - totally ignored in the Republican Replacement version.

By hkugler at March 23, 2017, 12:54 a.m., 21444 hits

For background information please check out:
The Replacement “Health Care Plan” – in reality “DISEASE CARE” – - questions and MORE QUESTIONS.

We know volume is not the same as value. Americans spend over $3 trillion a year on health care but have shorter life expectancies and higher rates of infant mortality and diabetes than our global peers.

It turns out our behaviors – shaped by our physical and social environments – are the primary determinants of health and well-being. And when it comes to health, the old trope is true: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
For a detailed, up-to-date, plan check out Dr. Ron Klatz’s “President Trump, Please Make American Medicine Great Again and Implement this 10 Point Plan

Our own longevity studies, performed at Roosevelt U., Chicago focused on the key health practices – now called Anti-Aging Modalities – and demonstrated a 100% difference between wrong or right anti-aging modalities. See page 1 and 4 at

Prevention can reduce the risk factors that lead to chronic diseases, slow their progression, improve overall health and reduce health care spending. Taking a prevention-first approach reaps benefits in the workplace as well: An unhealthy population leads to higher rates of absenteeism and presentism. In fact, the annual costs related to lost productivity due to absenteeism totaled $84 billion in 2013, according to the Gallup-Healthways Well.

In order to refocus on wellness, over the past year, the Bipartisan Policy Center convened a Prevention Task Force to determine how to change our nation's health conversation so we are taking actions to promote wellness rather than focusing solely on providing reactive medical treatment after a person gets sick.
“The work of the Prevention Task Force is motivated by a core premise: that engaging a broader array of community-level drivers and resources for disease prevention and health promotion can help more Americans enjoy longer, healthier, and more productive lives while also reducing overall health care spending. Recognizing that the U.S. health care system is still in the early phases of a transformational shift, our goal has been to identify challenges, highlight near-term opportunities for progress, and begin bringing together the diverse organizations and institutions—both within and outside the traditional health care sector—whose resources, expertise, and commitment are needed to deliver on the promise of achieving better health, better health care, and lower health costs through prevention.”
The task force recommendations: .

— Last Edited by Hans J. Kugler, PhD at 2017-03-23 01:47:24 —

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