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Start Anti-aging now

By Qianqian at July 11, 2023, 8:33 a.m., 20870 hits

As we all know that nobody likes aging!I believe everyone want to keep young and
How often have you watched your children, or your grandchildren, run around tirelessly for hours and thought,’’Wow, I wish I had that kind of energy?’’ ……

Why does everyone get aging?
Most of the symptoms of aging are directly related to how well our mitochondria are
working. These powerhouses run on a specific fuel called NAD+, and this energy source seems to grow harder to find as we get older. Without it, we produce less ATP, and our bodies start to become liable to a variety of diseases and undesirable symptoms.

So we need to intake NAD so that we can keep energetic.
As NAD+ molecules are relatively large, so It’s difficult for NAD+ intaken from supplements to penetrate the cell membrane and then enter the cell interior. While NMN molecules can easily cross the cell membrane and enter the cell interior. Once entering the cell interior, two of NMN molecules will be combined spontaneously to form an NAD+ molecule, so that NAD+ can take effect in human body.

What’s NMN?
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a derivative of niacin, is a nucleotide that
functions as a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), As we
get older, our bodies begin to break down - we become more susceptible to disease, pains, and weight gain. As unfortunate as this may be, it turns out that these issues are directly linked to NAD+!

NAD+ is a key coenzyme involved in all aspects of human metabolism. Without NAD+, metabolism will not work. In the elderly, NAD+ is absent, so various large and small problems will come into being. From the perspective of NAD+ supplementation, nicotinic acid, tryptophan, nicotinamide and NMN, which can supplement the three metabolic cycles of NAD+, bypass the bottleneck of NAMPT speed-limiting enzyme and can rapidly replenish NAD+ in vivo, which is the best and ideal method of supplementation.

However, NAD+ molecules are relatively large, and the NAD+ directly supplemented by the outside can hardly penetrate the cell membrane and enter the cell interior, while NMN molecules can easily cross the cell membrane and enter the cell interior. Once inside the cell, the two NMN molecules combine to form an NAD+ molecule.
Therefore, regular intake of NMN can effectively increase the amount of it in the body, thus helping humans to repair DNA damage and delay aging!

How often have you watched your children, or your grandchildren, run around
tirelessly for hours and thought, “Wow, I wish I had that kind of energy?”
Well, with our natural anti-aging energy enhancer, you may just be able to get up and run around with them…at least for a little bit!

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