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The Original Voice of the American Academy of Anti-Aging, Preventative, and Regenerative Medicine
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Transhumanism and Healthy Life Extension
More On Stem Cell Heart Regeneration
When Will We Control Aging?
No Fixed Maximum Lifespan
Massachusetts Senate Votes For Stem Cell Research
One From The Naysayers
The Skinny On Calorie Restriction
Mapping Out Longevity Research
Discover Magazine On Staying Alive
Concerns Raised Over Medical Patent Provision
Ceremedix To Make Pills In Scotland
Genes May Determine Heart Failure Severity
Real-time MRI Allows for Less Invasive Surgery
Heat Measurement a Step to Ending DNA Copying Errors
Stem Cells Restore Feeling to Paralysis Sufferers
Mystery Particle Forces Physics Rethink
Microneedles Deliver Painless Injections
Stem Cells Can Regenerate Muscle
Worm Genome Will Improve Disease Understanding, Treatment
Plastic Sling Props Up Droopy Necks
Soybean Oil Heats Homes
Devices that read human thought now possible
Report on Testosterone Therapy
Scientists to draft map of silkworm genome
Reviewing Progress Of Stem Cell Research
CNN - Fountain of youth
Breakthrough sparks diabetes hope
Transhumanism and Unitarian Universalism
The first fully functional synthetic virus has just bee
Science will soon fuse flesh and technology within the
No Fixed Maximum Lifespan
Do No Harm To Basic Research
Regenerative Medicine Cures Diabetes In Mice
Dr. Mercola On Maximizing Natural Longevity
Shocking Cells Into Submission
Stem cell 'immortality' gene found
How and why do we age?
How scientists decode DNA:
Sylvia Perez hosts `HealthBEAT: Turning Back The Clock?`
Anti-Aging: Live Long and Prosper
Live Longer with the DNA Diet
Virus Genome Built from Scratch
Growth Factor Drug Stimulates Heart-healing Stem Cells
Stem Cell Treatment Repairs Rat Spinal Cord Damage
Prozac Highlights Brain Differences in Homosexual Men
Cholesterol Assembly Gene Linked with Longevity
Nicotine Compound Safely Boosts Memory, Protects Brain
Blocking Enzymes Could Halt Arthritis
Species May Evolve through Giant Leaps
Common Drug Ends Phobia Four Times Faster