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Master the Barbell: The 4 Moves You Need

6 years, 4 months ago

11925  0
Posted on Mar 14, 2018, 6 p.m.


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Master the Barbell: The 4 Moves You Need

This is great advice because using free weights is the best way to build mass. I would also advocate using dumbbells alternated with barbells along building up past 5 reps to increase to 20 to 50 reps, as you drop the weight down, then increase the weight back up with few reps. email me directly at and see more great info at
Nick Delgado,
Medical Editor

Strength training can boost your confidence, but does firing up the thigh adductor/abductor really put you in beast mode? If you’re hiding behind your gym’s Nautilus machines because you’re too intimidated to pick up a barbell, it’s time you got over that. You’re missing out on big gains, not to mention the empowerment that comes with putting hand to iron. To help you get out of your comfort zone, we’ve shed light on four barbell movements by breaking them down step-by-step. Yes, it’s a lot to take in, so at first, take things slowly and keep the weight light. And whenever you’re using a barbell, always start with five reps on an empty bar before adding plates.

Jenessa Connor
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