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How to look after your mental health when entering the world of work

2 years, 1 month ago

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Posted on Jun 21, 2022, 3 p.m.

Transitioning from education to work can be a challenging time for anyone. Not only are you dealing with new responsibilities, but you're also trying to figure out how to fit into a new environment. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and like you're not doing well, even when you are. That's why it's so important to learn how to look after your mental health when entering the world of work.

We all have mental health, just like we have physical health. And like physical health, our mental health can fluctuate. Sometimes we feel great, and sometimes we don't. That's normal. But when our mental health is consistently poor, it can start to affect every aspect of our lives – including our work life. Similarly, if we’re stressed at work, it can also affect our well-being.

That's why it's so important to pay attention to our mental health at work. When we're struggling mentally, it can be hard to focus and be productive. We may start making mistakes, or have trouble getting along with co-workers. Our attendance may suffer, and we may even start to dread going to work. All of this can have a big impact on our career and our overall well-being.

So, to start looking after your mental health today, consider the following: 

1. Start by identifying your support network

As anyone who has started a new job knows, it can be both exciting and daunting. There are so many new things to learn and people to meet. It can be easy to feel like you're on your own, especially if you're not used to being in a new environment. That's why it's so important to identify a support network at work and beyond. This could include family, friends, colleagues, or a professional service.

Having someone to rely on for advice, encouragement, and a shoulder to cry on can make all the difference when you're starting out in your career. Whether it's a colleague, a friend, or a professional mentor, having someone in your corner can help you navigate the challenges of workplace life. So if you're feeling lost in your new job, don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help. It could be the best career move you ever make.

2. Make sure you're taking care of yourself both physically and mentally 

Anyone new to a job might feel like they have to put in extra hours to impress – but it's important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally when you're starting your career. You need to be able to stay healthy so you can keep working hard, and you also need to be able to manage your stress levels and maintain a work-life balance. Making sure you're taking care of yourself will help you be more successful in your career in the long run. Here are some tips for taking care of yourself:

  • Get enough sleep. Most people need around eight hours of sleep per night. Make sure you're getting enough rest so you can stay focused and productive during the day.
  • Eat healthily. Eating nutritious foods will help you stay energized and focused. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks that will make you feel sluggish.
  • Exercise. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. A healthy body is a happy body, so make sure you're getting enough exercise.
  • Take breaks. When you're feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to yourself to relax and rejuvenate. Step away from your work, take a walk, or read a book.

By taking care of yourself both physically and mentally, you'll be setting yourself up for success.

3. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you're struggling 

Remember, your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Looking after it will help you to thrive in the workplace and beyond.

So if you're starting to feel like your mental health is slipping, don't ignore it. Talk to your supervisor, HR representative, or employee assistance program about what you're experiencing. There are also many online resources available that can help you learn more about how to take care of your mental health. Taking care of your mental health is an important part of taking care of yourself – and it can make a big difference in your work life as well.

This article was supplied by Hannah Williams, digital content, media blogger, and health advocate on behalf of 

As with anything you read on the internet, this article should not be construed as medical advice; please talk to your doctor or primary care provider before changing your wellness routine.

Content may be edited for style and length.

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